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🧧AlipayHK付款優惠 | 入APP搶券最多減$100

註冊會員購物滿HKD400即可享3%回贈 | 首次下載手機APP送你$30購物金

Payment Method

1. Credit Card


We accept VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX credit cards.

2. PayMe for Business


We accept PayMe consumption voucher.



Mobile Version:

-During checkout, Payme app will be opened automatically.


Desktop Version:
-a QR code will be shown. Scan it and Payme app will be opened automatically.



*Please use Safari/Chrome to complete the payment*


If you fail to open Payme app, please use this QR Code to complete the payment.



*Please contact (852) 5202 4934 via Whatsapp or upload your screenshot to let us know if you use the QR code or link above to pay, as the system may not able to change the payment status automatically*

3. ATM Transfer/FPS


Please send the advice to +852 5202 4934 via Whatsapp or upload it to your order.


652-869496-838 (HSBC)


012-898-2-009191-3 (Bank of China)

【FPS Phone Number】: +852 5202 4934




Please send the advice to (852) 5202 4934 via Whatsapp or upload it to your order.


For more details about FPS:https://fps.hkicl.com.hk/chi/fps/index.php

Introduction of FPS:https://bit.ly/2pKHUoW

3. Alipay HK


We support Alipay HK and accept payments in Hong Kong dollars. We do not accept RMB/Mainland version of Alipay. We accept Alipay HK consumption voucher.


Customers can choose to pay by Alipay HK during checkout.

3. Wechat Pay HK


We support Wechat Pay HK and accept payment in Hong Kong dollars. We do not accept payment in RMB. We also accept Wechat Pay HK consumption voucher. 


Customers can choose to pay by Wechat Pay HK during checkout.

4. Octopus Card


We support Octopus card as payment method. We also accept Octopus card consumption voucher. 


Customers can choose to pay by Octopus card during checkout.

We do not support cash on delivery. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by that.